Lived in 5 cities across Canada growing up
I have travelled to 16 different countries (so far)
French is my first language (although better at english)
Guilty pleasure: Dating Reality TV or reading romance books
I love to paint or do anything artistic
OBSESSED with dark chocolate
Was in a cooking show as a kid (Yes I lost. No you can't find it)
I once biked 350km in 3 days (twice actually).
Childhood dream career: I wanted to own my restaurant with my grandma
5-10 year plan? Become a Doula & work with mothers
I believe that community is incredibly important. We are all on the same level & here for one another. No one is greater or lesser than, here. If we work together, I will get to know you on a very personal level. So it only makes sense that you understand me as well.
When I was 13, I had an eating disorder with anorexia & binge eating. When I was 14, I turned to veganism thinking it was the cure to my relationship with food. It taught me how delicious healthy food can be, however it didn't teach me about foundational nutrition. Along the ride, I developed severe anxiety & panic attacks, ovarian cysts, irregular & painful cycles, nutrient deficiencies, acne, aching bloating, PMS, eczema ...and the list goes on. Doctors told me I had PCOS but that didn’t feel right. I felt that I had no doctors that were on my side, and that no one understood me (typical teenage brain lol). So, I joined Institute of Holistic Nutrition when I turned 18. I wanted to be the healer I never got. However after a year of intense learning, I was still in pain. Mentally, physically and spiritually. I felt lost because I thought I was doing everything perfect, exactly the way I learned in school. Why wasn’t I perfectly healthy yet? I was doing "HITT" workouts, lots of cardio, lots of fruit & vegetables, oil free, gluten & sugar free, juices, micronutrients, supplementing everyday, etc. I hit a point of burn out & depletion, and I gave up. I didn't realize it at the time, but I went from one eating disorder to the next: Orthorexia Nervosa.
I had lost myself in the journey. I no longer had any passions for health & wellness, even though that was my identity for years. I needed to disconnect myself from the world and find out who I was away from it. That's when I travelled for 9 months & quit veganism. I met so many amazing people, ate INCREDIBLE food, and finally enjoyed life. It saved me. I found myself & I fell in love with food again. And the best part; I had regular & pain-free cycles, no anxiety, no acne, and decreased digestive issues. I came back looking at everything I learned from school & life so differently.
“It’s better to eat the wrong food with the right attitude, than the right food with the wrong attitude” - Chinese Proverb
I learned that it truly is about the whole picture. You can't heal your hormones if you are in a toxic environment. You can't treat eczema without addressing at the adrenals. You can't recommend supplements without looking at every other aspect of life first. It isn't only about what you eat or put into your mouth, it is about what you feed your WHOLE BODY.
What are the thoughts you are feeding yourself every second of the day?
It's so much more complex than social media tells us.
Once I (painfully) learned that, I started healing in other ways. I created boundaries, cut people out of my life, healed my inner child & trauma, and focused on the thoughts I told myself. I continued learning about nutrition in a different way, starting at the root cause. Focused on eating ALL the foods, blood sugar regulation, lowering my toxicity exposure, healthy fats and protein, etc. I took more courses on functional nutrition and how the body works. I did my 200hr YTT where I learned about meditation & movement.
I started to understand the whole picture.
I now, at 22 years old, experience pain free and regular cycles with no PMS. It has been 2 years of no panic attacks and eczema. My wellness is sustainable and minimal effort. I no longer get overwhelmed by everything I need to be doing just because it has worked for others. I understand how the body works and how the science works, and that is all I care about.
With all that being said, I am no where near the end of my health journey. I am still learning, discovering and struggling. It is never a straight road. There are lots of ups & downs, but what you learn along the way is what makes it worth it. I am so passionate and motivated to help each and every one of you on your own personal health journey. Know that you are not alone. I have been there & I understand. I hope that sharing my story empowers you to take charge of your own health.
If you need guidance, I'm here for YOU, and we will find what works for YOU.
Certifications + Educations
Holistic Nutritionist (CNP): Institute of Holistic Nutrition with first class honours
RYT- 200hr Yoga Teacher Training: Alberta Yoga College
Functional Digestive Health Practitioner Masterclass: IHN & Brett Hawes
Functional Hormone Harmony Practitioner Masterclass: IHN & Brett Hawes
Functional Adrenal Masterclass: IHN & Brett Hawes